Saturday, May 09, 2020

We'll Meet Again

A very brief address on Jesus' words in John chapter 14, from the New Testament, for VE75.

In our final Bible reading we see Jesus facing his own death.
This passage may well be read at your funeral.
In it, Jesus prepares his disciples for life without his physical presence and tells us, amazingly, that we too can face death unafraid.

John 14:1-14

This is the Word of the Lord.
Thanks be to God!

“We’ll meet again!”
Or “We’ll Be Together Again”
Many of us will have sung or listened to it this weekend.
I’ve been belting it out around the house, probably to everyone’s annoyance!
You’ll be pleased to hear I will never sing to you online!
Dame Vera Lynn made the 1939 song famous.
She also took the lead in the 1943 musical film of that name.
It was also used in the 1979 World War II film, Yanks, about British citizens and American soldiers during the build-up for the D-Day Invasion.

Of course the words resonated with soldiers going off to fight as well as their families and sweethearts left behind.
Sometimes it was true in this life; sometimes, tragically, it wasn’t.
Many returned with joy following VE day, some only after VJ day, or much later, and many never at all.

“We’ll meet again.”
It could also be the title of Jesus’ words to his disciples in John chapter 14, which we had read.
I recommend to you the whole of the chapter, or indeed chapters 13 to 18, which cover the last night of Jesus’ life.

Vera Lynn said “we don’t know where, we don’t know when”.
And Jesus’ disciples show ignorance and confusion in this chapter.
They are full of questions:
“What are you talking about, Jesus?
“Where are you going?
“How can we know the way?”
Jesus doesn’t give them full and precise answers.
He doesn’t set out a detailed timeline or give a great description of either how or when.
But he tells his disciples he will go ahead of them.
He will see them again:
They will meet and be together again.
He will rise from the dead and come back to be with them.
He will not leave them as orphans.
Indeed, he will always be with all his people by his Holy Spirit, whom he will send.

And by his death, Jesus will make a way to heaven and the new creation for all who will trust in him.
His death will open the way to life and glory and blessing and peace to them.
His death will remove the barrier of sin and the judgement of God that they might know friendship with heaven.

The disciples can’t know the future.
But they can know Jesus.
And if they know him they know God the Father, because he is God the Son who perfectly reveals God to us.
And Jesus is The Way, The Truth and the Life.
If we know him we know the way:
We know that when we die, be in soon or many years from now, we will go to heaven to be with Jesus and all those who have died in the love of Christ.
We will meet again.

Jesus is the Truth of God and the Resurrection Lord of Life.
He is all his disciples really need.
All we need, for this life and the next.

We hope never to face another world war in our lifetimes.
But the future is always uncertain.
And indeed, the present corona crisis has made us face our own fragility and mortality.
So much in life, life itself, is uncertain.
But Jesus would give us a sure confidence in him.
With Jesus, we can face the future, we can face death, even, with an untroubled heart.
May God enable us to trust in God and to trust also in Jesus Christ, the Saviour whom he sent.
Jesus is the Way, The Truth and the Life.
We may come to God the Father and be sure of eternal life even now by putting our trust in Jesus.
Therefore to God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit, be all honour and glory and power now and for all generations. Amen.

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