Sunday, May 10, 2020

Some random reflections on lock down so far

Mrs L has been wonderful.

We live in an age and situation of incredible abundance and variety e.g. of the availability of so many varieties and brands and types of fresh and dried pasta the mind boggles.

It is fantastic what can be delivered to one's door for a reasonable sum in the next day or two.

The smallest lack or inconvenience vexes us quite disproportionately. What? Still no wholemeal macaroni?!

Whilst being far from rich, we should be more thankful than we are for relative financial security, independence and freedom. Even if we sometimes have money worries, we do not fear how to pay for this week's food. We have forgotten this is not the historical or contemporary norm.

We give thanks for a reasonably large house and garden and a fantastic village shop we can walk to and beautiful countryside and community.

Our nation could be a lot better and a lot worse. There is room for better politics but we should be grateful for an element of public service and rule of law.

Homeschooling or indeed anything with small children is hard. Our six year old needs pretty much constant help with most academic tasks. Our eight year old needs a fair bit of encouragement and re-direction. Quite what the schools do and how I don't really know!

Technology is wonderful. Thank God for the interweb.

Driving for about an hour to many meetings has been a massive waste of time.

The Rector is actually relatively wanted and appreciated.

People are generally grateful to be prayed for and for a friendly phone call.

There is sometimes a spiritual interest.

Our society longs for community and embraces communal ritual and public expressions of faith / hope / love etc.

The routine of Morning and Evening Prayer with some silence and lots of Bible is highly desirable.

I love teaching the Bible and especially interactively and actually I am quite good at that and ought to try to prioritise it.

We do quite a bit of stuff as churches which is not of the essence.

We miss our church buildings and Holy Communion and one another.

We should pause from time to time to reflect and give thanks.

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