Friday, May 22, 2020

Psalm 23 notes

God willing, in our midweek meeting on Wed 27th May, we will be looking at Psalm 23 led a member of the congregation who is much more organised than I am! She has provided these notes which you may like to have a look at in advance, or do just feel free to turn up:

Verse 1

·        The Psalm begins The LORD…… Why do you think David says “The LORD” instead of “God”
·        My shepherd. What are the qualities of a shepherd which make this a suitable analogy for David’s relationship with God?
·        Would it make any difference if David said “a” shepherd or “the” shepherd?
·        What is the result of David having The LORD as his shepherd?  Does this mean David will always get what he asks for?  What about Christians who suffer?

Verse 2
What is the shepherd providing in these verses? Why does the sheep have to rely on the shepherd for these? What does this mean for David?

Verse 3a
What does this mean for David?

Verse 3b

·        What are paths of righteousness?
·        What is the LORD’s purpose in leading in this way?

Verse 4

·        What would a shepherd use a rod and staff for? How would that comfort David?

Verse 5
Here we see the LORD as a host. What is it about customs in those times which make this analogy work alongside that of a shepherd?

Verse 6
What are the consequences of the LORD’s commitment to David?

How does this apply to the Lord Jesus?

How does this apply to us?

Main idea?

Theme sentence.

Points for praise from this Psalm.

Background notes


The Hebrew term Yhwh is believed to derive from the root hwy, meaning “to be.” The name suggests that God simply is.  
Also, this name became a special designation which emphasized God’s relationship to the nation of Israel. It stresses his enduring presence with Israel in their redemptive history.
God’s covenant with Abraham Genesis 15 - ratified with sacrifice. The LORD was committed to the covenant. For the sacrifice animals were cut in half and normally both parties would walk through, but God walked through alone showing he promised to keep the covenant for both sides.


The shepherd took total responsibility for the sheep to protect them and provide for their needs.

The Lord as Host

Hospitality. Guests were anointed when they arrived for a banquet as a sign of honour. To fail to anoint the guest was a mark of disrespect.   The host also took the responsibility of protecting him. The story of Lot offers graphic evidence of the importance of protection.   (Gen 19:8, RSV). 

Alec Motyer Psalm 23 Sermon

1. I shall not want – provision
2. I will fear no evil – protection
3. I will dwell in house of Lord for ever.   Need for assurance and certainty . We don’t know what to expect but the one expectation is sure, I will dwell in the house of Lord for ever.
Some points in detail
Lord attends in person to every need because he is shepherd. Just one of the pictures of the Lord. No picture contains all the truth, every picture true all the time.
v2           rest  – Makes me lie down in green pastures he’s in charge all the time.
activity – leads me beside still waters
v3           inwardly -  he restores my soul
               outwardly -  he leads me in paths of righteousness
v4,5       Life’s troubles
v5           Life’s joys
Dark times and feasting times Lord looks after us.
v 6          enemy and friend
v5,6       ongoing present – surely goodness and mercy will follow me
future – will dwell in house of Lord
In every situation, in every circumstance in every time Lord is attending to every need.
As need grows greater presence becomes greater – v4 ‘my’ in deepest darkness Lord ceases to become ‘He’ out front but ‘you’ alongside. Close presence of the personal God
v5 No matter what circumstance he can provide. Maybe written when fleeing from Absalom.  The party – Barzillai the Gileadite brought out bread …. and cakes and raisins and water. To meet king in wilderness. David saw hand of God.
v2 He leads me – he’s out in front.
v4 He is with me – in front too.
v6 Bringing up the rear – goodness and mercy follow me.
On a road that leads home come what may. Road does not make sense to us. He leads me in paths of righteousness ( that which is right with God ) A path which is right in his eyes, make sense to him, even if not to us.
I dwell in the house of the Lord for ever. ( Temple not built yet ) Eternal habitation.

Rico Tice All Souls Langham Place  

David was capable of great sins. He had a heart for the Lord.  So what holds his life together?
Whatever the situation David is convinced The Lord is his shepherd.
This is because of the covenant love of God – a God who commits himself to his people.
Mainspring of David’s theology is God’s covenant.
v6 Your goodness and love will follow me. That’s what David had grasped.
God makes promises we can trust.
We talk about committed Christians but we have a committed God a committed Shepherd, who lays down life for sheep.
As you go through difficult times the Lord is your shepherd.
The LORD YAHWEH – God’s covenant name revealed to Moses. Holy, faithful, committed God was going to save and rescue his people – that’s his character.
450 years previously had made a promise to Abraham which he was going to keep.
IS   He is committed whatever is devouring us now.
MY        Lord is “MY” shepherd not “a” or “the”. I may wander off but he is my shepherd.
SHEPHERD   Takes responsibility for the flock, for you. We are sheep who keep straying.  
Shepherd is also KING. Lays down life for sheep. Jesus.
v6 Host takes total responsibility for the guests.
He is provider and protector.
Verse 1 provider – Exodus – God provided cloud and fire, food, water, clothes which did not wear out.
Provides for my soul too.
Green pastures – ease and safety. Do you have a slave driver God- this is not the God of the Bible. Sabbath rest
v3 Refreshes soul – gives my life back to me. As I come weary – go to him –
Protector – to guide me in right paths. In scripture right relating to God and others. Relational thing.
This means God lays down the course of my life according to his right relating to me as my shepherd covenant God.
In practice will not take us on a path which leads us away from Him. Nothing futile, pointless, irrelevant.
v3  For his name’s sake – lead you in a way which brings honour to his name.
v4  Even in painful experiences I’ll fear no evil – for you are with me. Travelling God with you.
Rod cudgel to defend the sheep.
Staff to haul sheep in right direction.
Cudgel is the sovereignty that he rules over all things. Authority he has given to Jesus over all things. Matt 28 Comfort – this is what makes life safe to be a Christian. Good shepherd is bigger and stronger than death.
Does not mean I escape the darkest vale. Not escapism.
When I’m worried sick I have to trust him – because he is trustworthy. Committed God. In darkest time.
V5 Victory – there are enemies but I eat a banquet. I have victory.
Will dwell in house of Lord forever.

Further Scripture References

Good and Bad Shepherds

Ezekiel 34   v 1 ff
Jeremiah 23 v 1-4
Isaiah 40 v 10 - 11
John 10 v 1- 18  


1 Peter 5:8 
Ephesians 6 v 10-17  

The LORD’S keeping power

Jude  verse 24-5

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