Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Psalm 17 Study Questions & Outlines

For our midweek meeting via Zoom at 7:30pm tonight (Wed 15th). Email me if you would like an invite.


Can you recall the three ways of reading the Psalms / levels of meaning which I suggested?
(When we have finished looking at the Psalm, we should think about it in these three ways)

What situation does David seem to be facing? V7

What does David ask for?

What is David’s ultimate hope in v15?
What does that mean?

On what basis does David ask for these things? What arguments does he use to support his plea?

Look at v1. Was David righteous? Explain!
(In what ways might we say he is righteous and he isn’t righteous?)

Would this prayer make sense on the lips of Jesus?

Could you pray this Psalm? How? In what sense?
(Are you like David? Are you facing a situation like his?)

Can you spot any similarities between this Psalm and the others we have been studying?
What connections does it have to Psalm 16?

What is the unique contribution of this Psalm?

Any other questions or comments about this Psalm?

Our usual summary / conclusion questions?

Theme sentence (sum up the main teaching point of the Psalm):

Aim sentence (why did God write this Psalm? What is it meant to do for us?)?

How should we think / believe / speak / act in the light of this Psalm?

How could you use this Psalms for praise or prayer?



Upward I Look: A Threefold Appeal

A1. The first appeal, based on righteousness (vv1-6a)
A2. The second appeal: against ruthless enemies (vv6b-12)
A3. The third appeal: for direct, divine action (vv13-15)

* * *


A Plea for Justice

The appeal to truth (vv1-5)
The appeal to love (vv6-9)
The lust to kill (vv10-12)
The rewards of lust (vv13-14)
The reward of love (v15)

* * *

Expositor’s Bible

A Prayer for God’s Justice
(1) A - Prayer of a righteous person (vv1-5)
(2) B - Prayer for protection (vv6-9)
(3) C - The wicked (vv10-12)
(4) B’ - Prayer for deliverance (v13)
(5) C’ - The wicked (v14)
(6) A’ - Hope in righteousness (v15)

A. Prayer for Vindication (v2a)
B. Prayer for Investigation (v2b)
B’ Investigation (vv3-5)
A’ Vindication (vv6-15)

A general prayer for righteousness (vv1-2)
A declaration of innocence (vv3-5)
A prayer that hopes in God’s covenant loyalty (vv6-14)
The Psalmist entrusts his case to God who is sovereign and faithful looking forward to God’s goodness in this life and in the world to come (v15)

* * *


(1) Plea and claim of innocence (vv1-5)
My vindication
Examine me
As for the deeds of men
By the word of your lips

(2) The enemy attack (vv6-12)
The wonder of your great love
Deliverer of those who seek refuge
Keep me as the apple of your eye
A lion hungry for prey

(3) Final plea (vv13-15)
Rise up
Bring them down
From such men

An integrated life
Grounded in the word

Out of this world

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