Wednesday, April 08, 2020

Psalm 16

For our midweek meeting 7:30pm tonight - email me for an invite:


Looking at the whole Psalm:
(1) What does the Psalmist do / what has he resolved to do?
How does he describe his commitment to the LORD?
(2) What consequences does he expect / what does he hope will result?
What are the blessings which follow from commitment to the LORD?

Do you believe that apart from God we have no good thing (v2)?
What does that mean?
What difference would it make if we believed and felt and lived by that?

Which verse would you say is the odd one out in this Psalm?

In this Psalm, what is the alternative to faithful allegiance to the LORD?
And what are the consequences of it? Why?
Do you think v4 is true? Always?

What other gods would you say people especially run after in our day and age?
What are some alternative sources of what God offers in this psalm e.g. security, refuge, pleasure, delight, wisdom, immortality, even?
What things are we tempted to run after / look for refuge in?

How is it possible for your heart to instruct you even at night (v7b)?
What is the Psalmist on about?

Look at both parts of v8. Where is the LORD?
What does it mean to set the LORD always before me? (v8)
How might we do that more?
What does it mean to have the LORD at your right hand?

Compare vv8 and 11.
Where is the LORD according to v8?
Where will the Psalmist end up according to v11?
How would you relate these two verses / ideas?

Where might we see Jesus in this Psalm?
How is it used in the New Testament?

What would your summary and aim sentences be?

So, how might we resolve to think and live in the light of this Psalm?

How would you use this Psalm as fuel for praise and prayer?



Security in God

A1. Security in God as refuge: a prayer (v1)
B. Life in the divine refuge (vv2-8)
a1 – Yahweh (v2)
b1 – Yahweh’s people, a pleasure (v3)
c1 – Spiritual commitment (negative) (v4)
a2 – Yahweh (v5)
b2 – Yahweh’s provision, a delight (v6)
c2 – Spiritual commitment (positive) (vv7-8)
A2. Security in perpetuity: a certainty (vv9-11)

* * *


All my delight

“The theme of having one’s affections centred on God gives this psalm its unity and ardour.”

(1) Faithful servant (vv1-6): the loyalty he has chosen
Singlemindedly throwing in one’s lot with God with respect to:
Security (v1)
Welfare (v2)
Associates (v3)
Worship (v4)
Ambitions (v5f)
(2) Faithful Lord (vv7-11): the blessings which flow from this loyalty
Guidance (v7)

Stability (v8)


The passage I normally read at the burial of cremated remains!

Charles Wesley’s hymn “Forth in Thy Name” cf. vv2, 8, 11 and the final line, “And walk closely with Thee to heaven”

Title: michtam – meaning uncertain
Also Pss 56-60
Kethem = golden – golden truth? Priced? Precious?
Katham only Jer 2:22 – something indelible, permenant

A prayer for our times and for all times (v1)

V2 – a little cryptic
My good / merit is not beyond / additional to you cf. 73:25
equivalent to saying God is all I need
The LORD is my shepherd I shall not want

V3 – saints, lit. holy ones as in nt – often used of angels so who are on earth would clarify

V3 – land or earth

V4 – increase of sorrows echoes the words spoken to Eve in Gen 3:16

V4 lit. many are their pains who change to another – an alternative to Yahweh – the reference to false religious practices implies that other gods are intended

V5 – God himself as the Psalmist’s portion and inheritance – cf. 1 Sam 26:19; Num 18:20 – the priests had God as their portion and heritage

V7 – lit. my kidneys instruct me, my feelings, emotions, instincts, maybe conscience – cf. heart, spleen, guts, bowels, liver

V8 – before me as standard and guide that I might follow and aspire to him
At my right hand, conveniently alongside me to help me – God will stand by me, at my side, maybe like a helper in court or in battle
See also v11, right hand

Peter quoted vv8-11 at Pentecost (Acts 2:25-33) saying they were about Jesus’ death and resurrection – see also Acts 13:35-37 – these words are perfectly and literally true only of Jesus  

V10 – Sheol – the place of the dead

V11 – abundance of real joy comes with your face – fullness / satiation / satisfaction of every sort of joy (plural of amplitude) is with your face (your personal presence and pleasure, your smile)
V11 – lit. in God’s right hand, ? in the gifts God gives with his right hand

Our Reader recalled Kipling’s Poem Sussex:

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