Wednesday, April 01, 2020

Psalm 15 - headings / outlines

God willing, in our church midweek meeting this evening (7:30pm via Zoom, email me for an invite if connected to these parishes) we will spend some time in Psalm 15.

Here are some headings / outlines from some commentaries:


Taking Up Residence

A1. The crucial question: acceptance with God (v1)

B. Qualifications (for acceptance with God) (vv2-5)

Lifestyle and conduct (v2)

Speech (v3a)

Relationships (v3b)

Values (v4a)

Integrity / trustworthiness (v4b)

Probity (v5a)

A2. Stability (v5b)

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A man after God’s own heart

(1) God as man’s host (v1)

(2) Man as God’s guest (vv2-5)

His character: true (v2)

His words: restrained (v3)

His allegiance: clear cut (v4)

His dealings: honourable (v4c-5)

His place: assured (v5c)

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Expositor’s Bible

Who May Live in God’s Presence?

A: The Question (v1)

B: The Response (v2-5a)

Three positive conditions (v2)

Three negative conditions (v3)

Two positive conditions (v4)

Two negative conditions (v5a)

C: The Promise (v5b)

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Gerald H. Wilson, The NIV Application Commentary

The thematic question (v1)

Eleven answers (vv2-5b)

Confident summation (v5c)

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