Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Busy? Stressed? Grumpy?

I'm sorry to say that it doesn't take much to make me a bit stressed and grumpy - as Mrs Lloyd would be too polite to testify!

A couple of busy days and perhaps particularly a job I don't look forward to which I knew I was behind on. It's easy to think, well, I've got five online things today and I ought to walk the dog and... and... so how can I ever get it done? My to do list is a bit too long. And then one can think catastrophically: everything's going to be rubbish, my work is all rather unsatisfactory and...

Today I actually tackled the job I had been putting off before 8am. It took less than an hour. And my whole outlook on the day has changed.

There is certainly merit in eating the frog early.

But we (I!) might do well to reflect on all this  psychologically and theologically too.

Where does your grumpiness and stress come from and what does it reveal?


God is in control. His kingdom does not depend on you. The position of Messiah is taken. It will be okay!

Maybe you should not have started from here. There may be some repenting and apologising to do and some changes to make. But in fact you have the time and energy to do all that God expects of you today.

Whatever happens, you are loved and accepted. In the end, it doesn't really matter what you or others think of your performance. The King of the Universe is your Dad. He says to you in Christ "you are my child whom I love. With you I am well pleased." Your standing and inheritance are secure.

Feel free to add what else we need to preach to ourselves!

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