Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Some questions on Psalm 14

Towards an interactive Bible study on Psalm 14 for this evening's midweek meeting 7:30pm via Zoom:

One way to think about this Psalm might be:

(1)   What are the problems in this Psalm? What’s the matter / what’s gone wrong?

(2)   What solutions does the Psalm hold out? What is it’s vision of all going well and being right?

(3)   According to the Psalm, how are they to go from problem to solution? What will make things good and right?

(4)   What are our problems real or imagined, felt or unfelt? How might this Psalm address any of them?

Do you know what a Bible means by a fool?

Why do you think v1 might suggest that fools would say there is no God?

According to vv1 and 2, what are all people like?

But what 2 groups of people are there in vv4 and 5?

Looking at v5, what does God’s presence mean for the righteous and for the wicked?

How would you describe the prayer / hope of this Psalm? (vv6-7)

What is the ultimate response / outcome? (v7)

How should we live and think and pray in the light of this Psalm?

Theme and aim sentences?





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