Sunday, March 22, 2020

Prayer for Today - Mothering Sunday 22/3/20

Intercessions for Mothering Sunday 22/3/20

In union with Christ, and in the power of the Holy Spirit, let us pray to the Father of Compassion and the God of all Comfort.

(1)   A prayer for mothers and families

Our Father, we give you thanks for our parents and families, and for all mothers, praying for them that they might follow the example of Mary in patient faith.

We ask your blessings on families as they connect online and by phone today.

And especially we pray for loved ones who are separated.

And families who will have the kids off school for the foreseeable future.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

(2)   A prayer for the church

We pray that we might treasure Christ in our hearts and that we might be faithful and obedient witnesses to him.

We pray for our Christian brothers and sisters around the world, especially those facing terrible suffering or persecution, and for all those who cannot meet together today.

We pray for courage and conviction from our church leaders to serve in this time of crisis, remembering Archbishop Justin, Bishop Martin and all the Archdeacons and other ministers in our diocese and deanery.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

(3)   A prayer for the world

Lord have mercy on us, we pray.

Give us your healing and life, and turn away this disease.

We pray for the leaders of this and every nation, for HM The Queen and her government and for the PM, that he might know what would make for peace.

We pray for our NHS, for shop and delivery workers, carers, teachers, key workers and all those on the front line of dealing with the Corona virus or making decisions about it.

Equip them with all that they need, we pray.

God of the cross and resurrection, bring blessing and good even out of these horrors we pray.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

(4)   A prayer for our own benefice

May we know life, joy and peace in these times of trouble.

Strengthen our walk with Christ and with one another.

May we love you and our neighbours and serve the common good, holding out the Word of Life.

In particular, bless our efforts to meet together online on Wednesday evening and help us to connect with those who are not online.

Lord in your mercy

Hear our prayer

(5)   Finally, a prayer for all those known to us who are in need or who have asked our prayers.

We pray for God’s blessing on Roz and John as they marry at Dallington tomorrow: that God would bless their rather unusual wedding day and their married life together.

May they bring strength and comfort to one another, and in better times may their home be a place of welcome and fellowship to many others.

We pray for the sick and suffering and those who care for them, including those named on our notice sheet, especially Mary, Judith and Shirley.

We also pray for the funeral I’ll take tomorrow and those who mourn and also for the bereaved families on the Green and near Warbleton Church.

Merciful Father…

The Collect for Mothering Sunday

The Lord’s Prayer

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