Saturday, February 01, 2020

Speaking notes / jottings on Psalm 24

Accompanied by death by PowerPoint for our all age service:

(Audio version: - I actually found having fuller notes than I sometime do for an all age service rather distracting so you might notice some long pauses!)

 Vv1-2: “The earth is the LORD’s, and everything in it,

The world, and all who live in it;

For he has founded it upon the seas

And established it on the waters.”

God is the creator, owner, ruler and sustainer of all places and people

Everything, everyone, everywhere belongs to God who made them

The earth, fruitful, peopled, solid and established is the Lord’s

There is not a centremeter of the universe over which God doesn’t rightly say “mine!”

Seas / waters (v2) suggest threat / chaos

God rules over them

His rule is certain and secure

Vv3-4 zoom in from all people and all places to a particular place and some particular people

V3: “Who may ascend the hill of the LORD?

Who may stand in his holy place?”

Ascend = go up

The hill of the LORD? -  mount Zion

God’s holy place ? the temple?

God’s holy presence


We sometimes imagine that God would happily welcome everyone, like a kind of friendly grandfather giving out Werther’s Originals

But the temple in Jerusalem spoke of both welcome and no entry

God was present to bless his people

He wanted to meet with them

And he called them to come to him

But the temple also had a series of no entry signs

For the Gentile nations

For non-priests

For everyone except the high priest once a year carrying the blood of sacrifice

It is very hard for a sinful people to come into the presence of a Holy God

Terms and Conditions apply!

See v4

God’s guest list (v4):

The Entry requirements:

Clean hands? – actions

Pure heart

Pure worship – he “who does not lift up his soul to an idol”

Pure lips – “or swear by what is false”

We might say it covers:

Right living

Right thinking

Right relationship with God

Right relationship with others

None of us perfectly meet those requirements

But God promises blessing and vindication (justice / righteousness / justification) to those who sincerely seek him in his appointed way (vv5-6)

In the Old Testament, faithful covenant keeping sinners could come into God’s presence on the basis of sacrifice

The innocent animal died in their place so that they could be forgiven

And they trusted God for vindication

Only Jesus perfectly meets the requirements of v4

He is the ultimate sacrifice for sin, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world

When we trust in him, we receive the gift of his righteousness, which is by God’s grace to all those who have faith in Jesus

Vv7-10 zoom in again to focus on the LORD Almighty the King of Glory

Imagine a city greeting the LORD as the victorious king, a warrior mighty in battle (v7-)

Do we think of God as a warrior?

The LORD of hosts, the LORD of armies

A triumphal procession

Cf. Palm Sunday – Jerusalem greets Jesus as the king

Cf. Jesus’ triumph by his cross and resurrection

Welcome Jesus the victorious King of Glory who defeated sin and death for us!

Praise God trusting in Jesus, the victorious King of Glory, the perfect sacrifice for sin.

Clothed in Jesus’ righteousness, we are welcomed in and we rejoice to stand forgiven and clean in God’s holy presence.

* * *


King of Glory

A tiny hymn about the power of God the creator
An entrance liturgy about the holiness of God the Lord
A procession liturgy about the victories of God the King

Vv1-2: The All-Creating

Vv3-6: The All-Holy

Vv7-10: The All-Victorious

* * *


Fling Wide The Gates

Approaching (vv1-2)

Welcoming (vv3-6)

            Personal integrity (v4)

            Spiritual integrity (v4b)

            Social integrity (4b-6)

Entering (vv7-10)

            Request (v7)

            Interrogation (v8a)

            Reply (v8b)

            Request (v9)

            Interrogation (v10a)

            Reply (v10b)

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