Saturday, February 15, 2020

Acts 10 & 11 - some further jottings

At Joppa, Jonah had disobeyed God concerning taking God’s message to the Gentiles (Jonah 1:3), whereas in Joppa Peter (eventually / after some reluctance) obeys God and God’s message goes to the Gentiles. Jonah fled from the word of God to Joppa; Peter came from Joppa in response to and with the Word of God.

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At Joppa, Jonah had disobeyed God concerning taking God’s message to the Gentiles (Jonah 1:3), whereas in Joppa Peter (eventually / after some reluctance) obeys God and God’s message goes to the Gentiles. Jonah fled from the word of God to Joppa; Peter came from Joppa in response to and with the Word of God.

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Certainly Cornelius and his family needed to be converted, but so, in a manner of speaking, did Peter and the church. Cornelius is eager to hear the Word of God; Peter needs a bit of convincing to put it into practice.

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We could call this passage a case of double vision, because both Cornelius and Peter see visions.

Cornelius’ vision (10v3-6)

Cornelius’ obedience to the vision (10v7-8)

Peter’s vision (10vv9-16)

Peter’s obedience to the vision (10v17-

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Stott: Four hammer blows of divine revelation were required to persuade Peter:

The divine vision (11:4-10)

The divine command (11:11-12)

The divine preparation (11:13-14)

The divine action (11:15-17)

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