Wednesday, February 26, 2020

A sermon on temptation from Luke 4

Back in 2014, one of the Oak Hill mission team, Peter Snow, preached this excellent sermon at Warbleton while still at Vicar-Factory.

It would do good to your soul and has things the Rector could well recycle for Sunday.

Some jottings:

Can you resist the irresistible?

The Chocolate Cake Poem

How to resist temptation

And why Jesus came

(1) The devil is a vicious tempter

Clever and vicious

Using a simple ordinary situation

The temptation to power

Using lies

Using Scripture

If the devil went to work on you, would you stand a chance?

To those sceptical about the existence of the devil:

Of course it is one of the devil’s greatest tricks that he doesn’t exist

The Bible and Jesus take the devil seriously

There seems to be real evil in the world…

(2) The Son of God is our temptation beater

Jesus is the true Adam

Cf. Eden

The issues of food and power and testing God are the same in Eden and in the wilderness

V13 – The devil gave up for a while

Jesus does what Adam and Eve couldn’t do

Jesus is the true Israel

Cf. the desert wanderings of Israel

40 days / 40 years

The issue of food - bread in the desert

Quotations from Deuteronomy

Jesus’ resources and ours:

The Holy Spirit vv1 & v14

The Bible

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