Thursday, January 02, 2020

A Pastoral Exhortation for 2020

If you don’t already…

… make it your top priority to get along to your church’s main Sunday service each week unless prevented from doing so by illness or some other genuine necessity. Go prayerfully seeking to meet with Jesus and his people. Pray for the ministers and for others. Go wanting to hear and apply God’s word. And go in the hope of being able to encourage and serve others. Try to arrive a bit early and linger for a cuppa afterwards and especially look out for anyone who seems to be new or on their own.

… try to get to your church’s monthly mid-week prayer meeting if at all possible. Prayer is vital to the health of the church and it ought to be a good time of fellowship too. Likely it will help you to feel much more part of things and get a sense of the vision of the leaders.

… aim to read your Bible and pray most days. Little and often would be good. Maybe start with a gospel or a Psalm. What does the passage tell us about God and his purposes? How might it inform our prayers? Perhaps say and reflect on the Lord’s Prayer. A little outline like the following might help you to PRAY:

Praise and thank God for who he is and all he has done for you

Repent of any known sins of thought, word or deed or things you have failed to do

Ask God to help and bless others

Pray for Yourself, especially for love and God and for others and growth in Christlikeness.

I bet your pastor or a Christian friend would love to help you to read the Bible and pray. Why not ask them?

… if possible, consider giving a mid-week home group / Bible study a try.

… have a Christian book on the go. Try or ask a for a recommendation.

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