Friday, September 27, 2019

Thank you for Jesus - for prayer and meditation

Father God, thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ,
for my union with him by faith in the Holy Spirit,
and for all the benefits which I have in him.

Thank you that he is eternally begotten of you and reigns for ever.

Thank you for the creation of all things by and for him.

Thank you for his sustaining of all things.

Thank you for his revelation under the Old Covenant,
for his mediatorial work in saving and leading your people Israel
and for the many prophecies and types concerning him.

Thank you for his incarnation in the womb of the Mary.

For his birth.

His circumcision.

His exile and return from Egypt.

His infancy.

His childhood.

His youth.

His obedience.

His growth in wisdom.

His life and work.

His baptism.

His fasting and temptations.

His ministry.

His teaching.

His miracles.

His death.

His burial.

His resurrection.

His appearances to his disciples.

His ascension.

His reign in heaven.

His intercession for us.

His gift of the Spirit.

His coming return to judge the world.

And the coming consummation of his Kingdom in the New Creation.

Or, no doubt better: The BCP Litany

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