Saturday, June 29, 2019

Luke 19:1-10

You may want to look away now if you are coming to Warbleton church tomorrow.

What passes for some kind of structure / headings / handout so far:

Jesus Saves A Notorious Sinner

Luke 19:1-10 (page 1053)

Zacchaeus really wanted to see Jesus (vv1-4): do we?

Jesus wanted to see Zacchaeus, a notorious sinner! (vv5, 7, 10)

Jesus / Joshua saves a morally disreputable person in Jericho (v1; Joshua 2 and 6)

Jesus has come to seek and to save lost sinners like Zacchaeus (v10)

Luke 5:27-32

Luke 18:39; 18:17; 18:18-27

Jesus commands a come down and Zacchaeus gladly and promptly humbles himself (vv6, 8; 18:14)

Jesus honours / exalts Zacchaeus (vv5, 7, 9)

Revelation 3:20

Zacchaeus is transformed as a consequence of being saved by Jesus (v8)

è Rejoice afresh in the mercy of Jesus to sinners

è Be transformed by receiving Jesus

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