Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Revelation 21vv9-10, 22-22:5 - a handout

Indulging once again my passion for over complicated handouts, here's a draft for Sunday:

 An Extraordinary Angelic-guided Tour

Of the Blessings of God’s Coming Kingdom:

Six Things I Did Not See – And Two Great Things Not to Miss!

Revelation 21:9-10, 22-:22:5 (page 1249)

v9: The church, the bride of Christ (contrast chapter 17)

v10: The New Jerusalem – the mountain of Daniel 2 and Isaiah 2

“coming down out of heaven from God” (v10) – opposite of Babel

(1) A BETTER NEW TEMPLE CITY (21vv10-27)

The city a cube / pyramid (v16) like The Holy of Holies / a holy mountain

(a) no temple because… (v22) – John 1:14; 2:19-21

(b) no need for sun or moon because… (v23) – John 8:12

(c) no need to shut the gates because no night (v25)

(d) nothing impure, nor shameful nor deceitful but… (v27)

(2) A BETTER NEW EDEN CITY (22vv1-5)

River of the water of life (22v1) – John 4:10-13; 7:37-39

Tree of life (22v2f)

(e) no curse (22v3) – Genesis 3:14-19; Galatians 3:13

With God and the Lamb! (22vv3-5) – Exodus 28:36-38

(f) no end (22v5)

Have you booked? (22vv11, 14, 17) Will you invite others?

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