Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Cups in the Bible

At this year's Maundy Thursday Communion, I am hoping to tell the story of Easter as the tale of two cups: the cup of God's wrath which Jesus accepts in the Garden and the cup of salvation and blessing which Jesus offers his disciples in the Upper Room.

In addition to these two passages, here is some of the biblical data on "cups" which contributes to the background:


Ps 75:8 – The Lord makes the wicked drink a cup of foaming wine mixed with spices down to the very dregs

Is 51:17-23 – Jerusalem is told that she has drunk to the dregs from the cup of God’s wrath and been made drunk, and caused to stagger, and now God will give this cup to their oppressors

Jer 25:15-29 – The cup of God’s wrath that makes people stagger.

The nations are going to be forced to drink from it so much that they vomit and fall to rise no more.

Lam 4:21 – Edom and Uz will be passed the cup and be drunk and stripped naked

Ez 23:31-34 – God’s people will be made to drink a large and deep cup which holds so much that it brings scorn and derision, drunkenness, ruin, sorrow and desolation.

And positively:  

Ps 16:5 – The Lord himself is the Psalmist's pleasant portion and cup.

In Psalm 23, the Lord prepares a feast for his servant and his cup overflows. (v5)

In Psalm 116, in gratitude for his deliverance, the Psalmist says:

“I will lift up the cup of salvation and call on the name of the Lord.” (v13)

In 1 Cor 10, Paul speaks of the cup of blessing which we bless in the Communion service as a participation in the blood of Christ. (v16)

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