Saturday, November 17, 2018

Luke 14vv25-35

Draft handout. Snappy as ever!

Luke 14:25-35 (p1048)

If you are interested in Jesus

or you want to do what God wants,

listen to this! (v25, v35b)

If you are thinking about following Jesus:

(1) You must put Jesus first, even above your family and your own life (vv25-26)

(2) You must be willing for the shame and death of following Jesus (v27)

(3) You must count the cost of following Jesus to the end before you begin

Compare it to a building project… (vv28-30)

Or to a war… (vv31-32)

(4) You must (in principle) give up everything you have to be Jesus’ disciple (v33)

(5) You must be a real disciple, not a useless one (vv34-35)

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