Sunday, November 25, 2018

Lost? Where are you in Luke 15:1-10?

Below are some jottings to go with this sermon:

Luke 15:1-10 (page 1048)


Where are you?

Where will you see yourself in this passage?

Where do you see God / Jesus / yourself in relation to them?!

V1? Eager to hear Jesus? Tax collectors and sinners?

V2? The muttering religious?

Cf. Luke 5:27-32

V7? The righteous person who does not need to repent?

Will you admit that left to yourself you would be lost, and lost eternally?

Cf. Genesis 3:6-13

Has God found you and brought you home? Thank him!

Have you wandered off from God? Do you need to be brought back home?

Will we join God’s search party?

How would the priority of evangelism change your life and our church life?

Will we join God’s party party over every sinner who repents?

Sinner, will you listen to Jesus and come and eat and drink with him rejoicing?

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