Thursday, November 29, 2018

Christingle Talk

The gospel / Christmas / Bible message through fruit.

Look away now if you are planning on coming to my Christingle services this year!

Some jottings:

The Christingle

Explain meaning

ORANGE – world

Oranges are not the only fruit! (FRUIT SLIDE)

The Bible actually has quite a lot to say about fruit

Galatians 5:22-26
Matthew 7:15-23

What if you tried to re-tell the gospel / Christmas story through fruit?


Topical and tropical!

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ORANGE – God made the world

And he made the first human PEAR / PAIR – Adam and Eve

Everything was PEACHY – it was a perfect world

Men and women were the APPLE of God’s eye – he loved them

But MANGOS – Man goes – wrong

DRAGON FRUIT – Devil / serpent / snake / dragon deceived Adam and Eve

Human being acted like LEMONS

They went BANANAS – crazy to sin!

Everything went PEAR shaped

God would send his son to put the world right

It would be a MIRACLE birth

Born in Bethlehem – a real SQUASH

A STAR would guide the wise men to him

Eventually Jesus would die on his cross – his PASSION / suffering

Jesus PLUMed the depths of human sin on the cross

Died and was BERRIED / BURRIED

Rose again

This good news of the Lord Jesus isn’t a FIGment of the imagination

Jesus is alive today – his love is always CURRANT

We can trust in him KUMQUAT may

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Ones that didn't quite make the cut:

GRAPE vine


JAMBUL / Jumble

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