Thursday, October 11, 2018

Luke 12:22ff

I may use this on Sunday AM so you may wish to look away now:

Most preachers re-use some of their material from time to time.

And it seems that the Lord Jesus was no exception.

Who knows how often Jesus preached.

Maybe most days, perhaps several times a day or for several hours.

And so he probably didn’t have time for lots of extra sermon preparation as he travelled around.

You can imagine the disciples saying to him, “O, Jesus, tell us the one about the whited sepulchres again!”

Or, “Jesus, what about the one about the man with the plank in his eye?!”

The oral tradition of the time depended on repetition and that helps to account, under God, for the remarkable preservation and agreement between the gospels.

We’re more familiar with this famous passage from the version in Matthew’s gospel where it forms part of the sermon on the mount.

And we’ve looked at that passage together before.

But here it has a different context which brings out particular aspects of its meaning.

Starting the reading at v22 is really starting mid-way through!

When we come to the “therefore” in v22, we ought to know from our Bible study training that we should ask: “What is the therefore therefore?”

What is the logic of the passage that is being pointed out here?

Because of that, therefore this.

Because of what Jesus has previously said, now here comes the application which follows from it.

So the application of what exactly?

Let’s recall that brilliant little parable of the rich fool which Jesus told which we studied last week.

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