Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Rich Fool (Luke 12:13-21) Applications

It is of course vital to note Jesus' "therefore" in v22 which gives his application to his disciples. But assuming you are preaching that next week, you might apply or indeed expound the parable itself thus:

How to respond to success:

(1) Gratitude not pride

(2) Generosity not hording for yourself

(3) Useful purposefulness not self-indulgent luxury

You can find a final "G" like Goal-oriented or "Doing good" or something for yourself if you like.

Don't condemn lawful enjoyment of God's gifts, but tell them that eat, drink and be merry for one day in the far future we die and that is the end is not right! Yes, the parable says, eat, drink and be merry but remember God and his laws because you might die tonight!

Enjoy your day!

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