Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Prayer as, like, good!

Like 99.999% of right thinking Christians, I feel guilty that I don't pray more. I have never met a Christian who said "do you know what? One of my biggest problems is that I pray too much."

Yet, though I feel I ought to pray, I don't find the nagging guilt at prayerlessness actually makes prayer happen - or at least not  very satisfactorily.

Better, perhaps, to focus on the great privilege of prayer.

But maybe that sounds too worthy?

Isn't it wonderful that our loving heavenly Father rejoices to be with us and hear us?

Don't we long to be known, understood and heard?

Even now the creator of the universe, the Lord of all, the almighty and compassionate God would delight to hear what's on your mind.

Maybe dwelling on these things might actually get us to pray a little more.

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