Saturday, March 31, 2018

April Fool's Day Easter Sunday All Age Sermon Notes

Some jottings for tomorrow's all age service. Look away now if you are coming!

(It's probably 3 sermons in one so some stuff might be best left out / skipped over)

1 Corinthians 15:1-20 (p1155)

John 20:1-18 (p1089)

Our preacher today is … !

Ha ha!

April fool!

(Easter Sunday = April Fools’ Day: 1956; 11 yrs time)

Would anyone like a chocolate?

Nothing inside, just the empty wrapper

April Fool / practical jokes – a surprise, the unexpected

The true story of Easter quite a funny story

Full of surprises and the unexpected

God dying on a cross!

Sad, but very, very surprising

J frequently predicted the resurrection, but his disciples don’t seem to have expected it.

It came as a surprise to them.

Foolish to think that death could stop the Son of God.

Funny that Pilate and the soldiers think they can make the stone at the tomb secure.

You can imagine the angels laughing at that one.

Women: “Who is going to roll the stone away for us?”

Silly to go to the tomb with out a plan.

They get a surprise – the stone is already tolled away

Mary wonders if this is some kind of trick / practical joke / hoax

A case of mistaken identity – always funny

Recognise who Jesus really is

A surprise: The tomb is empty – just the “wrapper”, his garments there

Tears turned to joy

Without the resurrection we’d be miserable

This true story has the ultimate happy ending

To many people Jesus seemed like a fool

The cross seemed weak and foolish

But it was the wisdom and power of God

Jesus and his followers have the last laugh

Death and the devil are defeated

Perhaps they think they’ve won, but the tables are turned on them

Not a hoax or a trick but good news of great joy

Not a practical joke, but it is very practical

Paul tells us that without the resurrection our faith is useless

But Jesus has been raised from that dead and that changes everything

It guarantees our resurrection

It gives us hope and purpose and meaning and joy and a message for the world

May God give us grace today to rejoice in the resurrection and to live in the light of it.

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