Thursday, February 08, 2018

Good and Evil Bible Study / Discussion Notes

Rather hasty and no doubt inadequate notes owing a debt to Frame and Grudem and Facebook correspondents, in case they are of any interest or use to anyone:

Good and Evil

Bible Study & Discussion

The Big picture of the Bible: Creation – Fall – Cross – Resurrection – Ascension – Return of Christ – New Creation

What exactly do we mean by good? Desirability, perfection


Luke 18:19; Psalm 100:5; 106:1; 107:1; Psalm 34:8

God perfect, complete, without defect – Matthew 5:48 - God’s ways perfect – Deuteronomy 32:4; 2 Samuel 22:31; Psalm 18:30

God supremely excellent, perfect

Moral perfection, sinlessness, holiness, absence of all evil

Goodness as righteousness – Genesis 3:5; Leviticus 5:4; Numbers 24:13; 1 Samuel 12:23; 2 Samuel 14:17; Psalm 25:8; Romans 2:10; 3:12; 7:18; 2 Corinthians 5:10

Goodness as benevolence – acting for the good of others – Psalm 73:28; Numbers 10:29; Deuteronomy 30:5; Joshua 24:20; Judges 17:13; 2 Samuel 16:12; Mark 3:4; John 10:11; Acts 14:17

Plato’s Euthyphro Problem: is piety whatever the gods say it is, or do the gods command things because they are intrinsically pious?

By what standard? Is there a rule of goodness to which God conforms or does God decide what is good?

Cf. Does the King make the law or is the law above the King?

God always “feels” and thinks and wills and speaks and acts and in conformity to his own perfectly good nature


Genesis 1:10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31

1 Timothy 4:4

Original goodness as well as original sin

The image of God in human beings (Genesis 2:26-27) marred but not totally irradiated

Total depravity – every aspect of us affected by sin, none of our thoughts totally pure – Genesis 6:5; 8:21; Romans 3:9-18; 8:8

Sinful people still do things that are relatively good – 2 Kings 10:29-31; 12:2; Luke 6:33


Some e.g. Christian Scientist sect, some forms of Hinduism claim evil is an illusion

? evil not a created thing – a falling away from the good – a privation / deprivation / lack

The devil and demons – fallen angels created good by God who rebelled against him – 2 Peter 2:4; Jude 6

The devil only perverts and corrupts – parasitical - he cannot create

The Fall of Man – Genesis 3

Creation under the judgement of God – Genesis 3:17-19

The Bible can speak of God creating / causing evil – Isaiah 45:7; Lamentation 3:38 – certainly the Bible sees evil as under God’s control

God is not the morally responsible author of evil – he permits it / governs it but is not to blame for it

God must have good enough reasons for allowing evil

God allows and uses evil for his own good purposes - Genesis 50:20; Romans 8:28

The cross – good out of evil – Acts 4:27-28

God uses suffering and hardship in our lives – James 1:2-3


Good and evil are not equal and opposite forces locked in battle – Good has priority over evil – God created the devil – cf. Job, the devil has to seek God’s permission to test Job

Jesus has decisively defeated the devil

The good news of God’s judgement – evil will be punished

The New Creation – Revelation 21:1-5

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