Friday, June 30, 2017

EMA Day 3: Kevin De Young - Session 2 - The Mission of the Church

Kevin De Young – Session 2 – The Mission of the Church

The ministry of church / gospel / mission

Mission – not a biblical word in our English Bible – but Latin, sent, Gk, apostle, sent

Not every good thing Xians may do but what is the church gathered as institution and scattered as organism sent to do? What is the church’s task?

How do gospel proclamation and social action / justice / mercy ministry relate in the mission of the church? 2 wings of a bird / plane?

The ministry of J and the mission of the church – Mk

(1) Jesus ministered to bodies as well as to souls

A prototypical day in Jesus’ ministry

(a) teaching

(b) exorcism

(c) healing

Mk 3 – apostles sent to preach and cast out demons – cf. Mt 10 - healing

Compassion for hurting people motivated J to minister to bodies – healing of the Leper – moved with pity

Mk 8:2 – compassion on hungry crowd

Mercy on Bartimaeus

Lk 7:13 – compassion

The heart of Jesus is moved with compassion for hurting suffering people and their bodily needs

Kevin de Young, What is the mission of the church? (Book)

(2) Within this ministry to body and soul, Jesus made preaching his priority

Opening summary: Mk 1:14ff – proclaiming the gospel of God and saying...

G E Ladd, Gospel and Kingdom, passive verbs related to kingdom – you enter and receive the kingdom – not build the kingdom

Gospel proclamation of J as king / lord is only good news if you preach repentance and faith, the means of entering the blessings of the kingdom, being reconciled to Jesus as your king and Lord


1:38 – the disciples want to prioritise healing but Jesus wants to preach elsewhere – that is why Jesus came

Jesus never went into a town with the explicit purpose of healing or casting out demons. He came out to preach, though of course he healed and cast out demons along the way.

Mk 2:17 – I came to call sinners – proclamation

Mk 6 – the people of Nazareth scandalised by Jesus – v5, their unbelief was so counter to his purpose that he would not heal there – he did not come just to put on a show nor to be useful to them in their physical infirmities

Feeding of the 5000 – 6:34 – compassion because they are like sheep without a shepherd, so he begins to teach them many things – compassion ministry is bible teaching, telling lost sinners how to be saved

(3) In the end Jesus ministered to body as well as souls and made preaching his priority so that those with ears to hear might see his true identity and have faith in him. This was his purpose, his ultimate aim. He came to die for sins and he aimed for people to know who he was and trust in him. The healings and exorcisms intended to show who Jesus was.

1:1 – the purpose of Mk, what Mk wants to prove

3 Acts in Mark

1:1-13 – prologue / introduction

Act 1: 1:14-8:21 – Jesus demonstrates he is the X the Son of God, most miracles here, wonder and amazement about Jesus – 5:43; 7:37 – reactions to Jesus, what the miracle says about J – Mk 2 – healing of the paralysed man, priority of forgiveness of sins, the miracles demonstrate J’s authority and true identity

Parable of the Sower – faith

Calming of Storm

Who is this man?

Act 2: 8:22 – end of Ch. 8 – Jesus clarifies what it means to be the Son of God

Turning point: Peter’s confession

The Father and the demons have said who Jesus is but now for the first time a human being gets it

Peter does not really get the nature of X’s messiah-ship as suffering servant

3 miracles in this act, all to do with clarifying Jesus’ identity and true faith in him

Healing of the boy in ch 9 – what is real faith?

2 healings of blind people – ch 8 & 10 – Bethsaida and Bartimaeus – humility of Bartimaeus and the pride of James and Jn

Ch 8 – 2 stage healing – men like trees walking – Peter sees something but cannot yet see clearly – Peter is like this blind man

Act 3: Ch 11-end – Jesus proves he is the X

Only the cursing of the fig tree (and the resurrection here) – the overthrowing of the temple / Israel

Jesus finally says I am the Son of the blessed one (ch 14)

This man truly was the Son of God, the centurion confesses at the cross (ch 15)

The promise of the title of 1:1 proved at cross and resurrection

16:8 – the ultimate cliff hanger – what about you, your response, who do you say that I am?

In Mark, then, Jesus DEMONSTRATES, CLARIFIES and PROVES who he is

Applications / conclusions:

(1) If we are becoming more like Jesus, we will have compassion on the needs of the world and we will want to help

Gal 6:10

1 Tim 5

Priority of family and church family but do good to all as we have opportunity

(2) Proclamation must remain the church’s priority

Jesus could have just had a great healing mission and avoided the cross

If the church only does what would make Bono and Oprah proud, we are not being Christ-like or

The Great Commission – the task that the church was sent to do

Making disciples of X as servants of others is the task of the church

(3) Whenever we engage in compassion / mercy ministry, there should always be an aim that Jesus might be known and believed in for salvation

Finite time, resources etc.

Peter Ducker: You don’t really have priorities until you have posteriorities

What are you not going to do so that you can do what you have really be sent to do?

The church as church is sent primarily to proclaim the gospel of salvation

Keep the main thing the main thing

J Gresham Machen at height of depression and liberalism – what is the purpose of the church in this new age? The same as in every age to testify about human sin, God offers communion with himself, no other salvation full and free that whoever possesses it has a treasure which all the kingdoms of the earth are as the dust of the street

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