Tuesday, May 09, 2017

Taught Greek by the Holy Spirit?

Obviously it would be helpful!

Whitaker acknowledges the different styles of the human authors of Scripture but goes on to say:

“Although Isaiah, who was educated in the royal court, hath a much purer and more elegant diction than Amos, who lived amongst shepherds, yet this shepherd speaks in such a manner as to be intelligible to all who can understand anything: for he had learned to speak from the best master of speech, even the Holy Spirit. So, although Paul, brought up by Gamaliel, the most learned of the Pharisees, speaks otherwise than Peter or James, who had passed all their lives in fishing; yet the difference is not very great, since Peter and James did not learn to speak Greek in their fishing occupations, but were taught by the Holy Spirit, a much better and more eloquent instructor than Gamaliel.” (Disputation on Holy Scripture, p478-9)

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