Monday, May 01, 2017

Bible By The Beach Notes 2017

Perhaps it is 'cos I am now super relaxed after a week of holiday and a week of sabbatical and I didn't have Sunday ministry to worry about, but I think this was possibly the best Bible By The Beach ever - yet!

Of course, I didn’t manage to get to everything, but it was all good stuff.

I've made some jottings:

Firm Foundations: Reformation for Today

The Revd Dr Lee Gatiss – Bible Readings / Expositions of Romans 3, 4 and 5

Two Reformation Ladies – Clare Heath-Whyte on Women in the Home in the Reformation (this was part 1 only. I didn’t manage to get to the 2nd seminar on Women in Ministry in the Reformation)

Alan Witchalls has also been taking notes here - - including also some notes on Ephesians 2:1-10 and Josiah’s rediscovery of the Law in 2 Kings 22.

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