Friday, May 05, 2017

4 offices of the church with respect to Scripture

Whitaker argues that the church is:

(1) notary - witness and guardian of the sacred writings (p283)

(2) champion - “the church is, to distinguish and discern the true, sincere and genuine scriptures from the spurious, false and superstitious.” (p283) “for the performance of this function it hath the Spirit of Christ to enable it to distinguish the true from the false: it knows the voice of the spouse” (p283-4)

(3) herald - “the church is to publish, set forth, preach and promulgate the scriptures” (p284)

 (4) interpreter - to expound and explain them (p284)

(Disputation on Holy Scripture)

Turretin gives a similar list:

The church’s functions with respect to Scripture: (1) keeper (2) guide to point them out (3) defender of them (4) herald to promulgate them (5) interpreter (IET, vol 1, p90)

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