Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Marks of the Master's Ministry

Some jottings from a talk by Andy Young at the 2017 Banner UK Minister's Conference what was live-streamed on the interweb:

Luke 4:14-30

A programmatic, paradigmatic passage about Jesus’ ministry placed at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry

5 marks of Christ’s ministry:

(1) It was ordinary, it used the ordinary means of grace, the reading and preaching of the Word of God in the congregation of God’s people – v16-17 – in his home town, in the synagogue as was his custom

The humility of Christ

The Word of God reading the Written Word of God and proclaiming it, explaining and applying the Word of God

1 Timothy 4:13

God had only one Son and he made him a preacher

The people there despise the ordinary means of grace, as we might be tempted to be

They miss the extraordinary in the ordinary

(2) It was a Spirit-filled might

3:22; 4:1; 4:14; 4:18

Jesus the Spirit anointed Priest, Prophet and King

If Christ depended on the Spirit in his ministry, how much more should we

(3) The Christ-centred message of Christ’s own preaching – v18 – Christ preached himself – he is the message he came to proclaim

(4) The eschatological magnitude – the coming of Christ as the fulfilment of the Scriptures v21 – the promised future hope of Israel (of Isaiah 61) has come, the kingdom has come, the new era of fulfilment has come, the eschatological fulfilment is inaugurated in Christ

Luke 19:9; 23:43

(5) The gracious mission

What he says he will do (v18) – to the needy, enslaved, helpless

A gospel of grace to those in need

Isaiah 61:2b, “the day of the vengeance of our God” omitted here – Jesus stops short of mentioning the wrath of God – his first coming was to bring mercy not the final punishment of sinners

V19 – The Lord’s Favour – Lev 25 Year of Jubilee

Vv25-27 – God’s universal grace, a hint of the mission to the gentiles

Behold your God, your wonderful Saviour Christ!

Emulate Christ, make your ministry Christ-like

Be encouraged because Christ continues to ministry through his servants

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