Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Romans 1:18-32 - A handout

For what it's worth prepared for the camp leaders:

Romans 1:18-32 – Humanity’s Problem: Our Need for the Gospel

1:16-17 – Paul’s summary of the gospel

V18, “For…” – Why we need the gospel

V17 – The righteousness of God revealed

V18 – The wrath of God is being revealed (cf. 2v5)

The wrath of God – what it is and what it isn’t

(1) Everyone knows certain truths about God from creation (vv19-20)

(2) Everyone rejects the truth of God which they have (vv18, 21)

John 3:19

So in consequence (3) “God gave them over” (v24, v26, v28)

2 exchanges that reverse the created order:

(a) Idolatry (vv23, 25)

(b) Homosexuality (vv26-27)

Note also v24

And vv29-31

In the beauty of the world we can see God’s greatness.

In the brokenness of the world we can see God’s judgement.

This should drive us back to the grace of God in the gospel.

Everyone needs the righteousness of God to rescue us from the wrath of God. This is the good news we should receive by faith. And it’s the good news which we should play our part in bringing to our broken world.

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