Monday, July 18, 2016

Christian Suffering

I am preparing to preach on Romans 8:18-27 at our annual all-age marquee service.

In a sermon entitled The Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness preached on 16 Nov 2008, available on the St Ebbe's, Oxford Church website, Vaughan Roberts concludes with 4 truths about Christian suffering:

(1) Suffering can’t be avoided (v17-18) – we don’t seek it but we expect it
(2) It’s under control (v20) – suffering is part of God’s plan and he is sovereign over it. (God has a purpose in it).
(3) It won’t go on for ever (v18) – look to the future with confident hope
(4) We don’t have to face it alone (v26) – the Spirit helps us in our weakness

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