Sunday, June 26, 2016

Romans 4

Spoiler alert!

DV it might go something like this:


Paul is showing that the gospel is the power of God for salvation (1v16ff)

Our need: We are all sinners who deserve God’s judgement (3v9ff)

God’s solution: But now a righteousness from God has been revealed (3v21ff)

Paul shows that the Old Testament law testifies to (3v21) and is upheld by this gospel of righteousness / justification by faith (3v31)

A Case Study from The Old Testament:

“What did Abraham discover in this matter?” (v1)

How was he justified / put right with God? (And how are we justified?)

“What does the Scripture say?” (4v3)

I.                 3 WAYS WE (& ABRAHAM) ARE NOT JUSTIFIED:

(1)   not by works (v2, v5)

(2)   not by circumcision (vv10-12)

not by the covenant sign / seal (v11)

… (not by baptism or Communion)

(3)   not by keeping the Law of Moses (vv13-15; cf. 3vv19-21, 31)

Abraham Justified c. ? 2091BC


645 years


Law Given c. ? 1446BC

            … (not by our family or national or religious heritage)

I.                 3 WAYS WE (& ABRAHAM) ARE JUSTIFIED:

(1)   … as a gift (v4)

… by grace (v16)

(2)   … by believing God (vv3, 11, 17, 18)

… by trusting God (v5)

… by faith (vv5, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 19, 20, 24)

(3)   … by the death and resurrection of Jesus (v24-25)

Justification by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone,

to the glory of God alone, according to the Scriptures


(Learn from Paul how to read the Old Testament and understand the role of the Old Testament law – v24)

Receive God’s free gift of justification by faith: Trust in Jesus!

“Therefore” …. Rejoice in peace with God and in the hope of the glory of God (Romans 5vv1-2)

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