Monday, March 14, 2016

The greatest miracle?

Gregory of Nyssa wrote:

that the omnipotence of the Divine nature should have had strength to descend to the humiliation of humanity, furnishes a clearer proof of that omnipotence than even the greatness and supernatural character of the miracles....  it is not the vastness of the heavens, and the bright shining of its constellations, and the order of the universe and the unbroken administration over all existence that so manifestly displays the transcendent power of the Deity, as this condescension to the weakness of our nature; the way, in fact, in which sublimity, existing in lowliness, is actually seen in lowliness, and yet descends not from its height, and in which Deity, entwined as it is with the nature of man, becomes this, and yet still is that.

God's great power is seen in that he can become a weak human being and yet continue to be Almighty God.

NPNF2-05. Gregory of Nyssa: Dogmatic Treatises, Etc.

Chapter XXIV.

(Quoted by Mark Smith at SEMS today)

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