Saturday, September 05, 2015

Sacramental Tapestry

The Revd Dr Hans Boerman is the J I Packer Prof of  Theology at Regent College.

I have only just started his book
Heavenly Participation: The weaving of a sacramental tapestry (Grand Rapids / Cambridge, Eerdmans, 2011)

but I think it is going to be very interesting.

Here are the bits I have typed out so far:

“Both [modernity and postmodernity], I believe, are predicated on the abandonment of a premodern sacramental mindset in which the realities of this worldly existence pointed to greater, eternal realities in which they sacramentally shared.” (p2)

[The notion of a] “sacramental tapestry”… speaks of a carefully woven unity of nature and the supernatural, according to which created objects are sacraments that participate in the mystery of the heavenly reality of Jesus Christ. Schmemmann makes the point [in For The Life of the World] that everything in the so called world of nature is meant to lead us back to God. By treating the world as a eucharistic offering in Christ, received from God and offered to him, we are drawn into God’s presence.” (p8)   

“In the church’s sacraments – baptism and Eucharist – we witness the supernatural restoration of nature to its original purpose. The purpose of all of matter… is to lead us into God’s heavenly presence, to bring about communion with God, participation in the divine life. Thus are the church’s sacraments simply the beginning of the cosmic restoration. The entire cosmos is meant to serve as a sacrament: a material gift from God on and through which we enter into the joy of his heavenly presence.” (p9)

Andrew Greenly, The Catholic Imagination – living in “an enchanted world… the Holy lurking in creation… our world haunted by a sense that the objects, events, and persons of daily life are revelations of grace” Greenly, p1, Boersma, p10

“This Catholic imagination, Greenly goes on to say, “can be appropriately called sacramental. It sees created reality as a ‘sacrament,’ that is, a revelation of the presence of God.” Greenly p5, Boersma p10

1 comment:


    Should unborn children be executed without a judge and twelve jurors sentencing them to death? Why do adults get their day in court, but the unborn are killed without a fair trial? Why are the unborn deemed worthy of death?

    The advocates of abortion contend that unborn children are not human, but are simply nonhuman fetal tissue.

    God make clear the life begins at conception.

    Job 3:3 "May the day perish on which I was born. And the night in which it was said, 'A male child is conceived.'(NKJV)

    Children are children at conception.

    Genesis 25:21-22 Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife , because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived. 22 But the children struggled together within her; and she said, "If all is well, why am I this way?" So she went to inquire of the Lord.(NKJV)

    Rebekah do not conceive nonhuman fetuses. Children struggled in her womb.

    Luke 1:36 "Now indeed, Elizabeth your relative has also conceived a son in her old age; and this now the sixth month for her who was called barren.(NKJV)

    Elizabeth conceived a son. She did not conceive a nonhuman fetus.

    Did the Virgin Mary conceive Jesus as the Son of God, or was Jesus a nonhuman blog, called a fetus? (Luke 1:30-31)

    Since Roe v Wade 57 million unborn babies have been executed without appearing before a judge and a jury of their peers. What crime did those 57 million babies commit that they should be sentenced to death without a trial.

    Posted by Steve Finnell at 5:15 AM No comments:
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