Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Golden Calf (Ex 32) - An Outline / Handout for a sermon

God willing, in the AM it might go something like this:

Exodus 32:1-14 & 1 CorINTHIANS 10:1-13 - The “FALL” OF ISRAEL

Primitive, irrelevant, stuff of The 10 Commandments film etc.?

A much needed and relevant warning for us – 1 Cor 10:6-8, 11-12

I. A reminder of some key characters and some observations from the story:

(1) The people and their rapid rebellion (v1) cf. Ex 24 etc.
Insecurity? Desire for a physical presence? Impatience.

(2) Aaron and his feeble, compromised leadership (vv2-6, 21-24)
Though in many ways a great man, he gives in to ungodly pleasure
He wants to worship the LORD and the Golden Calf / worship via it
The Golden calf is an anti-Tabernacle – cf. the contribution (vv2-3)
Pray for the clergy and Bishops to give a strong godly lead!

(3) Moses and his effective prayer (vv11-14) cf. Abraham at Sodom
3 arguments:     (a) God’s people – save your own (v11)
(b) God’s name – defend your reputation (v12)
(b) God’s oath – keep your promises (v13)

II. Some key lessons for us today:

(1) The presence and power of sin can quickly overcome us (v8)
Do not presume we could never mess up. Watch out! – 1 Cor 10:12

(2) The seriousness of sin and the holy wrath of the judgement of God (vv7-10)
We dare not mess about with idolatry etc. It brings the wrath of God. Romans 1:18-24. We must stick with Jesus and the Bible and cry out to God the deliver us. Idols can be mental as well as metal: “I like the think that God…”, “The God I believe in…”

(3) The necessity of an Intercessor / Mediator. Moses points to Jesus, the New and Better Moses, the perfect and willing substitute who died so that we might not be wiped out (v32).
Cf. Ezekiel 22:30; 31; Paul in Romans 9:1-4; Hebrews 3:1-6
Trust in Jesus and his intercession, mediation and sacrifice.
Follow Jesus’ perfect leadership.

(Sermon headings adapted from a sermon by The Revd Jonathan Fletcher available at - search Exodus 32)

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