Wednesday, July 08, 2015

Biblical law and English law

On the government legislation website, the most requested piece of legislation is The Data Protection Act 1998. It’s 92 pages long. That’s enough to tell you that modern British laws are rather different from Biblical laws. 

Modern laws sometimes aim to be comprehensive and are intended to be strictly applied in specific situations. 

Biblical laws include exhortations and principles, as well as "laws" in the narrow sense. They are somewhat sermonic. They invite reflection and application. They are intended to teach wisdom. They are meant for all God's people rather than to be the property of a professional class of lawyers. They are to equip the saints for godly living at all times and in all places, including the right ordering of society, when that is in their power, but that does not mean that they can be simplistically and exclusivley written into the law code of any individual nation. They have the merit of relative brevity. With a reasonable amount of study, it would be possible to have a good idea of what the law of God is. Far harder to have a command of modern English law. Soon you would be in the hands of the experts in one particular sub-genre of legislation.  

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