Thursday, April 02, 2015

Easter preaching advice from the PM & the Archbishop

As the Spectator blog reports, the Prime Minister (or the PM's 3rd assistant researcher intern) has opined about the heart of the Easter message in Premier Christianity Magazine:

So I end my argument with this: I hope everyone can share in the belief of trying to lift people up rather than count people out. Those values and principles are not the exclusive preserve of one faith or religion. They are something I hope everyone in our country believes.
That after all is the heart of the Christian message. It’s the principle around which the Easter celebration is built. Easter is all about remembering the importance of change, responsibility, and doing the right thing for the good of our children. And today, that message matters more than ever.

The PM has forgotten the schoolboy lesson that Christianity is about Christ and that the message of Easter should mention the death and resurrection of Our Lord.

Preachers would do well to remember the advice of the Archbishop of Canterbury that the Christian faith shouldn't be made to sound like a load of "moral claptrap" about everyone being "a bit nicer". Jesus did not "permit us and does he permit us to turn religion into morality." (Full homily here

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