Sunday, March 22, 2015

Hebrews 4:14-5:10 an outline / handout

Hebrews 4:14-5:10 (p1203)
Jesus Our Great High Priest

Do we need a priest? What sort? Why? Cf. Old Testament (4v16)

Jesus is our supreme high priest (4v14)

What makes Jesus such a great high priest for us?

(1) He has gone through the heavens once and for all not only into the earthly Holy of Hollies once a year like the Old Testament high priest (v14)

(2) He perfectly fulfils the job description of a priest of representing God to man and man to God (5v1)

(3) He is God the Son (4v15; 5v5)

(4) He is really human (5v1)

(5) He is able to sympathise with human weakness and temptation (4v15; 5v2)

(6) He was without sin (4v15; cf. 5v3; 5v7) and therefore offered a perfect sacrifice for sin

(7) He was properly selected and appointed by God (5v1, 4-5)

(8) He belonged to the superior eternal order of priesthood of Melchizedek (5v6, 10; chapter 7 esp. v3; Genesis 14)

(9) He was proved to be the perfect high priest by his life and death as he learnt obedience and was made perfect (5vv7-9)

(10) He has won for us an eternal salvation (5v9)

So stick with Jesus! (4v14, 16)

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