Thursday, March 19, 2015

Christ, the High Priest we need

A sermon outline from The Revd Dr Lee Gatiss on Hebrews 4:14-5:10:

What if I’m tempted to give up on Jesus and throw it all in?
What if I need some help?
When I find myself in times of trouble – where do I look?

We need a priest – a great high priest, Jesus
We can turn to him for help

Main point: We can keep going as Christians because we have Jesus as our great high priest

(1)   What is a priest (5:1-4)?
(a)   His function – to act on behalf of people in relation to God, to pray for them and to offer sacrifices for them to God (v1)
(b)   His sympathy  - he deals gently with the ignorant and wayward (v2)
(c)    His authorisation – he is not self-appointed but called by God  (v4)

(2)   How is Christ our priest?
(a)   Christ’s authorisation – he was properly appointed by the Word of his Father in the Old Testament (v5-6)
(b)   Christ’s sympathy - cf. 2:18; 4:15 (vv7-8)
(c)    Christ’s function – he offered himself as the sacrifice to secure our eternal salvation (v9)

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