Friday, December 26, 2014

Missing the message of Christmas: Joy To The World

A quick Children's talk / all age gimmick inspired by this video 'The Christmas Scale'.

See if you can spot the meaning or message in these few notes.

[play the first 8 notes of Joy To The World, one beat per note, no pauses. Hope they don't get it!]

Sometimes when we hurry through Christmas it's possible to miss its message. We need to slow down and pause to appreciate the meaning.

[now play the same 8 notes again with the pauses and they should get Joy To The World The Lord Has Come! - The meaning and message of Christmas]

Then I took them to:

Luke 2:10-11 - Good news of great joy, Jesus the Saviour who is Christ the Lord has been born.

v19 - the example of Mary - she paused to consider these things and appreciate their meaning

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