Friday, September 19, 2014

Exodus 18 - some stolen headings

The Rev'd Glen Scrivener was good enough to preach for me last Sunday at my son Thomas' baptism.

Glen kindly shared his thoughts-so-far with me durring the week and I plagiarised his headings for our earlier Family Service:

(1) One thing Moses had learned: God helps

(2) One thing Moses needed to learn: that he needs the help of others too

But Glen's actual sermon headings turned out to be something like:

(1) God's people are a desert people - saved and on their way to the promised land, but not there yet - they ought to expect hardship

(2) God's people are a delivered people - when life is tough we do well to remember all that God has saved us from and for and that we deserve nothing but his judgement

(3) God's people are a dependant people - they depend on God, but there's also a sense in which we need to depend on one another, we are saved so as to be the people of God together and we need one another as we walk together

Or at least that's something of what I can recall almost a week on. Hopefully the audio should appear on our church website in due course.

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