Saturday, July 05, 2014

Exodus 3 jottings

Well, according to my limited skills, I've been working hard at my PowerPoint for the family service on Exodus 3.

In textbook style, you might say it has at least 8 take-home points, some of which are probably incomprehensible.

And no gimmicks except for a few PowerPoint slides.

Perhaps it's not too late for you to suggest your improvements. Maybe I needed to decide on simple theme and aim sentences and go after those. Maybe less would be more.

As it stands, the take-home summary might be:

(1) God reveals himself so that we can know him

(2) God is holy and we aren’t
(Moses is rightly afraid of God)

(3) God is with his people in their suffering (as the fire is in the bush)

(4) Because of God’s mercy we are not burnt up

(5) God sees, hears, cares and promises to save

(6) God uses his people and will be with them

(7) God’s name is “I AM WHO I AM”

He is the (unique, eternal, self-existent, self-defining) unchanging, faithful God (the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who keeps his covenant promises)

(8) Jesus is this God (John 8vv58-59): he reveals himself, is holy, suffers with us, is merciful, sees, hears, cares, saves, is faithful and unchanging

If you want to know God, look at Jesus
Trust in Jesus the Saviour


  1. I'd go with "I am who I am" and talk about what the children want to become, maybe challenge them to think about what sort of person they want to become - any changes needed? Maybe ask parents (not expecting an answer) whether they have ever lost it with their children, thinking afterwards "this wasn't really like me"...

    God is consistent, always fully himself, totally reliable; God is faithful - he turns out to be the person he is, every time. He can be relied upon to be who he promises to be.

    God always wanted to be a Saviour -- it's the ideal job for him because he loves people and loves to put things right -- he got Moses involved in a major rescue operation and then got one better in Christ.

    Or something like that. All the best.

  2. Thanks, Thomas. Sounds good.
