Sunday, March 30, 2014

Mum's Job Description

You can find this sort of thing elsewhere on the interweb but I thought I'd post some jottings I used at today's Mothering Sunday Family Services here:

Long sometimes anti-social hours, 7 days a week, on call 24 hours a day
Holidays rare
Sickness not really allowed
No pay – in fact, your clients, your children, will expect you to pay them.
Being a mum is a very expensive job.
There are no real prospects of promotion or advancement.
The aim is to make yourself redundant.

Roles may include:

Food Taster
Personal Assistant
Operations Director
Story Teller
Entertainment Manager
Birthday Events Planner
Dental hygienist
Hair Stylist
Fashion Consultant
Personal Shopper
Laundry Co-Ordinator
Chief Financial Officer
Police Officer
Fire Officer
Safety Consultant
Career Advisor

Lifeguarding and Search and Rescue Skills an advantage

And no doubt the list could go on

And mum may be combining all this with paid work too

Being a mum is a great blessing
It’s one of the best, most important jobs in the world
But it can be a very hard, demanding job

No mums are perfect
Mums are sinners just like the rest of us
But most of us have so much to thank our mums for

It’s good to say Thank you on mother’s day
And it’s important to remember to say Thank you often too

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