Thursday, February 20, 2014

Our Passion For Life 2014 Events Week with team from Oak Hill College

The Parishes of Warbleton, Bodle Street Green & Dallington

A Passion For Life 2014

Events Week, Easter Services
& More.....

with a team from Oak Hill Theological College, London

You and your guests are warmly invited
All our services and events are open to those of any faith or none.
Some of the things we have planned are just for fun.
Where events include a talk, we hope these will be of interest both to committed Christians, convinced atheists and those somewhere in between.
Unless otherwise stated, events are free and booking is not required

General queries to the Rector, The Revd Marc Lloyd – 01435 83042101435 830421 /

Thursday 10th April

Coffee & Company Coffee Morning 10.00am – 12.00pm at Osborne House, Rushlake Green – coffee etc. for sale

Quiz night 7.30pm at Bodle Street Green village hall, BN27 4RE. Quizmaster Bryan Whitton. Teams of up to 8 or come along with any number or on your own and join a team. Short talk entitled: “The Question Jesus asks us”. Suggested donation £2 per person. Nibbles provided. Please bring your own drinks. Prize for the winning team. Contact: David Cleverley – 01435 81287001435 812870 -

Friday 11th April

Coffee Tasting 10.00am with Emma Joynson-Hi​cks, African coffee expert and an independent consultant for the UN and others on coffee related matters. Short talk entitled “Taste and See That the Lord is Good”.  Warbleton Church Rooms, Church Hill, Warbleton, TN21 9BD. Suggested donation £2 per head. Contact the Rector.

Walking Group 2.00pm starting and finishing at Warbleton Church Rooms whatever the weather; an easy walk lasting about one hour. Dogs welcome. Followed by coffee and cake with a short talk entitled “Why creation declares God’s glory”. Contact: Judith Hemsley – 01435 83048101435

Christians in Sport Supper 7.00pm for 7.30pm at Heathfield & Waldron Rugby Club, Cross in Hand Rd, Heathfield TN21 0UR. Jeremy Cooke will interview our after-dinner speaker Pete Nicholas. Pete leads Christians in Sport’s work with professional athletes. Pete played for Oxford University in the Varsity match getting three Blues from 1999-2001 as well as playing professionally for Henley Hawks and England students.  He has recently taken up British Jiu Jitsu. Good quality 3 course meal provided by The Merrie Harriers Pub. £12 per head. Drinks for sale at the bar. Booking essential. Contact Tony Welford – 01435 81251401435

Saturday 12th April

Men’s and Ladies’ Breakfasts 8.30am at White Birch Farm, White Birch Lane, Warbleton, TN21 9BE. Booking helpful.
For men’s breakfast please contact: Mike Greaves 01435 83058801435 830588 – Coffee, cereal, full English breakfast. Talk entitled: “The most important breakfast ever”. Suggested donation £5.
For ladies’ breakfast please contact Wendy Greaves 01435 83058801435 830588 –  Continental breakfast. Talk entitled: “Can God satisfy my hunger?” Suggested donation £2.50.

Warbleton Churchyard Clear-up  10.00am followed by a free lunch with a short talk. Contact: David Cleverley - 01435 81287001435 812870 or Booking helpful. Please bring any tools, gloves etc. that might be useful.

Mini-tag rugby afternoon 2.30pm with half time talk for all ages from 5 to 95. The Green, Rushlake Green. Contact Tony Welford – 01435 812514 – Half-time refreshments served. You are invited to repair to The Horse and Groom in Rushlake Green to discuss the game afterwards. 

‘Good Will Hunting’ (Certificate 15) Film Night 7.00pm for 7.30pm Bodle Street Green Village Hall, BN27 4RE. With short introduction, epilogue and opportunity for discussion. Donations welcome.  Coffee & cake etc. for sale. Please feel free to bring your own drinks. Contact: Caroline Thompson – 01323 85339101323 853391 -


Palm Sunday 13th April

Church Services:
Family Service with Dramatised Readings 9.30am at St John the Evangelist, Bodle Street Green, followed by coffee, squash and biscuits.
Family Service 11.00am Warbleton Parish Church Talk entitled ‘’More than a Carpenter’’ followed by coffee, squash and biscuits, Open Tower – parachutes, planes and stunning views! Brass rubbing & Frisbee available.
Joint Songs of Praise type Service 6.30pm at St Giles’, Dallington with interviews and short talk entitled ‘’An Introduction to beat all others’’ followed by coffee and biscuits.

Bowling Afternoon 3.30pm – 5.00pm at Hailsham Freedom Leisure Centre, Vicarage Lane, Hailsham, East Sussex BN27 2AX. For young people and families; £3 per person per game. Booking advisable. Help may be available with transport. Contact: Barbara Cooke – 01435 83088301435


Monday 14th April

Mission Rescue Holiday Club Morning for under 12s 10.00am – 11:30am (1st morning) at Warbleton Church & Church Rooms. Suggested donation £1 per child per day. Refreshments provided. Contact: Shirley Austin: 01435 83028001435 830280 - Children under 5 years of age must be accompanied by an adult. (Also Tuesday & Wednesday AM).

Chaps Who Lunch (1) Pub Meal For Men. 12.30pm The Three Cups Pub, Three Cups Corner, Nr Heathfield, TN21 9LR. Bookings: Vivian Bowern – 01435 83020401435 830204 - Just pay for what you order.

Meet The Team & Any Questions 7.30pm – 9.00pm Warbleton Church Rooms. An opportunity to hear some of the stories of the Oak Hill team and the difference Christian faith makes to them, with opportunity for any questions however simple, difficult or hostile! Coffee and biscuits provided. 

Tuesday 15th April

Mission Rescue Holiday Club Morning for under 12s 10.00am – 11.30am (2nd morning) at Warbleton Church & Church Rooms. Suggested donation £1 per child per day. Refreshments provided. Contact: Shirley Austin: 01435 83028001435 830280 - Children under 5 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Chaps Who Lunch (2) Pub Meal For Men. 12:30pm The Black Duck Pub, Church Hill, Warbleton, TN21 9BD. Bookings: Vivian Bowern – 01435 830204 - Just pay for what you order.

Astronomy Evening(s) 7.00pm – 8.30pm for 11-15s and then 8.30pm – 10.00pm for adults at Warbleton Church Rooms with short talk entitled “The heavens declare the glory of God” led by Greg Smye-Rumsby from The Royal Observatory, Greenwich. Weather permitting, look through telescopes at the night sky with expert explanation and help. If totally cloudy, night sky show indoors. Suggested donation £2 per head. Hot soup, bread and drinks provided.

Wednesday 16th April

Mission Rescue Holiday Club Morning for under 12s 10.00am – 11.30am (3rd & final) at Warbleton Church & Church Rooms. Suggested donation £1 per child per day. Refreshments provided. Contact: Shirley Austin: 01435 83028001435 830280 - Children under 5 years of age must be accompanied by an adult.

Evening Talk: “Is there a God, and if so can we know what he’s like?” 7.30pm – 9.00pm  at Warbleton Church Rooms. With an opportunity for any questions and discussion. Speaker: Dr Kirsty Birkett. Kirsty has worked for the Universities of New South Wales and Sydney as a tutor in philosophy of science, and in Christian publishing. She has also been an editor and writer of children's material and was for ten years on the Board of the Australian Fellowship of Evangelical Students. Her many publications cover the whole area of relationships between science and religion. She has also written on psychology, feminism and the family for both a popular and academic audience. Kirsty has family in Cyprus and Australia. At any time she might be found living with an assortment of cats, dogs, rabbits, guinea pigs and birds. Coffee and biscuits provided.

Maundy Thursday 17th April

Coffee & Company Coffee Morning – 10.00am – 12.00pm at Osborne House, Rushlake Green – coffee etc. for sale

Explained Christian Passover Supper 7.00pm for a prompt start at 7.15pm at Bodle Street Green Village Hall, BN27 4RE with The Revd Ray Lockhart, former Rector of Christ Church, Jerusalem. We expect to serve supper around 8.00pm. 3 courses - £12. Please bring your own drinks. Bookings essential. Contact: Jennifer Gill – 01323 83300101323


Good Friday 18th April

An Hour At The Cross 10.00am at St John the Evangelist, Bodle Street Green. Reflective service. Followed by hot cross buns and coffee.

Walk of Witness with Good Friday Reflections 11.00am at The Union Church, High Street, Heathfield, East Sussex, TN21 8LB. Organised by Churches Together in Heathfield and District

Good Friday Service 12.00pm at St Giles, Dallington.

An Hour At The Cross 3.00pm at Warbleton Parish Church. Reflective service. Followed by hot cross buns and coffee.

Saturday 19th April

Children’s Easter Egg Hunt 2.00pm at Warbleton Parish Church with Bible Story, Crafts, Songs etc.

Easter Sunday 20th April

Family Service with Holy Communion  9.30am St John The Evangelist, Bodle Street Green, followed by Easter Egg Hunt, squash, coffee and biscuits.

Holy Communion  10.00am St Giles, Dallington, followed by coffee and biscuits.

Family Service followed by optional Holy Communion 11.00am Warbleton Parish Church, with coffee and biscuits.

Traditional 1662 Book of Common Prayer Evensong 6.30pm Warbleton Parish Church.

Easter Monday 21st April

The Club with No Name (TCWNN) Ramble. 10am – 3pm Meet at Warbleton Church Rooms. The walk will end there. Lunch provided. All 10s-15s welcome. Contact Tony Welford – 01435 81251401435 812514 –

Further Ahead

Sunday 27th April

4 for All Messy Church 4.00pm Punnetts Town Village Hall. Event for children and families followed by free buffet tea. Songs, games, and a look at part of the story of the Exodus from the Bible.   

Wednesday 30th April

Christianity Explored One Life. What’s it all about? 7.30pm – 9.00pm

Investigate the Christian faith for yourself or have a refresher on the basics. You can ask any question you like - however simple or challenging - or just come along and listen. You won’t be asked to read aloud or pray or do anything religious or embarrassing. Coffee and cake. 7 Sessions from Wednesday 30th April with a week off for half-term on Wednesday 28th May, concluding Wednesday 18th June. Give one session a try, no pressure to come back if it’s not for you. It doesn’t matter if you can’t make every week. The Rectory, Rookery Lane, Rushlake Green, TN21 9QJ. Contact: / 01435 83042101435 830421

For More Details

Further information:

Warbleton Parish Church -

St John’s Church, Bodle Street Green -

St Giles’s Church, Dallington -

A Passion for Life 2014 -

Oak Hill Theological College -

Christianity Explored -

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