Saturday, January 18, 2014

John 1:29-42 - Some jottings & possible sermon headings

The wonderful example of John the Baptist
Points clearly and boldly to Jesus (v29, v35)
Is (presumably) happy when his disciples leave him to follow Jesus (v37)
cf. Ch 3: "He (Jesus) must become greater; I must become less"
Glad to play his God-given part in God's purposes (v31)

What testimony could you give about Jesus? (cf. v32 & v41)

John a great hero
But he was also humble
He'd be shocked and appalled to be the hero of this sermon
Jesus is the hero!

John's ignorance
v31, v33

John's inferiority

The superiority of Jesus' person
His pre-existence (v31) - the younger cousin of John was before him (v1, v15, cf. 8:53)
Permanently filled with the Spirit (v32-33) - cf. OT prophets empowered for a time for their work by the Spirit - cf. 3:34 and 1 Sam 16:13; 2 Sam 7:15 Is 42:1
The Son of God (v34) - Israel, King, Messiah, God the Son

The superiority of Jesus' work
The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world (v29; cf. Passover - Ex 12; Gen 22:8), the ultimate sacrifice for sin, setting people free from their slavery, exhausting the wrath of God
To the world not just to Israel (vv29, 31)
Baptises with the Holy Spirit - Makes us clean on the inside - cf. clean bodies and clean hearts (v33 - Ez 36:24-27)

The wonderful example of Andrew
Found out, went and saw
Believes in Jesus
Brings his brother to Jesus

Key note:
Believe in the wonderful person and work and gospel of Jesus Christ the pre-existent Spirit-filled Son of God, the Messiah / Christ, the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world, who can make us clean for ever on the inside

(Hymn: Jesus! The Name High Over All - Charles Wesley)

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