Monday, January 13, 2014

10 Assembly Rules for the Clergy

(1) Always mention Jesus and the Bible. If it is acceptable to the school, include a prayer. Consider a Bible reading from an appropriate translation such as The Good News Bible or The International Children's Bible. A child could read it. 

(2) Try not to be totally uninteligible or totally boring too often. Ideally, the Christian assemblies should be the best, most educational, most fun, most memorable assemblies. This is not easy.

(3) I will not so hype up the kids that I destroy the whole morning's learning and completely alienate all the teachers.

(4) I will remember the presence of those of other faiths and none but I won't let this stop me delivering the act of collective worship of a largely or wholly Christian character that the law requires if that's what the school have asked for. Especially in a Church school this should be a Christian Anglican assembly.

(5) A sense of humour is allowed but the kids' humour may be different from yours. I remember one assembly where the kids seemed to find a cauliflower hillarious. Some content for any teachers or adults present is probably acceptable but the assembly should be aimed at the kids and not at your own amusement nor that of others who happen to be there.

(6) Remember that primary school aged children often cannot notice when a question is rhetorical and will attempt to answer it!

(7) Never, ever, ever, hint that Santa or the Tooth Fairy may not be true. Some things are sacred. You have been warned. There will be letters. You may get in the newspapers. This will not feel as fun as you might imagine!

(8) A certain ammount of repetition is acceptable. There are some teachings, parables, Bible verses etc. it would be good for the whole school to know and remember. The same assembly every year on "Doing Your Best" could be dull and predictable.

(9) The staff might not want the assembly to be over in a flash (especially if they don't have to attend) but as ever its best to leave your hearers wanting more.   

(10) Do not default to death by PowerPoint.

Oh, and I meant to say:

(11) Avoid mere moralising. Give theological reasons. For example not just "we should treat others with respect" but "Christians believe we should treat others with respect because we are all made in the Image of God". Emphasise grace and the power of the Holy Spririt.

(12) Always have the right number of points.

What would you add?

A friend on facebook helpfully suggested the power of a good song.

Another friend added, if you have any good ideas or find that something works, share it with others. 


  1. Throw in a good loud belch…so the kids know that you don't walk 6 inches off the ground…but are just like them.

    Should get a good laugh, as well.

  2. :) An interesting idea, thank you!

