Sunday, November 24, 2013

Christian Primary School Assembly on Friendship

Begin with a quiz / game in which you get 3 pairs of friends up and ask 3 sets of questions in Mr & Mrs style to find out how well they know their friend:

E.g. what does your friend want to be when they grow up?

How many brothers and sisters do they have?

What's their favourite thing to do for fun?

The point is that good friends know one another.

Reading: John 15:14-15
"you are my friends if you do what I command you. 15 I do not call you servants any longer, because servants do not know what their master is doing. Instead, I call you friends, because I have told you everything I heard from my Father. 

Jesus friends know him. Jesus tells us what he thinks and feels and plans in the Bible. 


  1. Marc,

    I always like you assembly ideas/jottings. Have you got any on Introducing Advent?


  2. Thank you. Afraid not, but I could do with one for Monday if you have any good ideas!

  3. Keith9:10 pm


    I read your user profile saying that you are working on a PhD on the speech act theory and the Lord's Supper. I am nearing completion of a dissertation on a model of what it means for God to continue to speak through Scripture that draws upon Wolterstorff's undeveloped concept of presentational discourse. Several people have mentioned that my work might be extended to Calvin's view of the Lord's Supper. I also saw that your bibliography included some interesting references like Robson's work and a book on speech act pluralism. Do you have any drafts that you are OK sharing? My e-mail address is

    Sorry to ask in this manner but I didn't find any contact info.
