Monday, October 21, 2013

Reasons I do not blog

(1) I have no thoughts

(2) All my thoughts are plagiarised

(3) All my thoughts can be expressed in 140 characters or fewer

(4) I cannot be bothered - lack of energy

(5) I cannot - lack of time or access to the interweb

(6) None of my thoughts are fit for public consumption

(7) None of my thoughts are worth sharing

(8) No one reads it anyway

Reasons to blog:

(1) Every sermon or parish magazine item etc. ought to produce at least one blog post worth sharing without great extra effort - blogging out of the overflow. If its not worth blogging perhaps it is not worth preaching or publishing.

(2) Blogging might help me think

(3) Something blogged might be of some interest or use to someone sometime


  1. "Of making many books (or blog posts) there is no end, and much study wearies the body" (eccl. 12v12- my addition).

    I don't blog my wisdom because it's all been said before, by someone wiser. But what I do think is worthwhile is keeping a journal (intermittently) which shows me my own spiritual progression over the decades. Something which won't be available to me from a blog.

  2. Thank you, Lyndsey. Yes, I can see the (rather different) point in a private journal

  3. Blogging can also lead to conversations in the comments that help develop an idea. I always like seeing how the theology of people can be impacted by conversing, rather than just reading and deciding whether they agree or not.

  4. Thank you, Youthpasta. You illustrate your own point perfectly!

  5. Youthpasta has grasped the notion of conversational theology!

  6. Indeed. I'm glad there are some people to talk to on this theological sofa. Mrs Lloyd is baking and I'll put the kettle on.
