Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Sunday a sacrament?

“The idea that the keeping of the Lord’s Day could be listed among the sacramental signs of the church would seem less novel to patristic theologians than it does to us, who are weighed down by memories of the scholastic definition of the sacramental act. Augustine explicitly identifies the keeping of Easter as a sacramental observance (as distinct from keeping Christmas, which is a mere commemoration), because in observing Easter we re-enact the death and resurrection of Christ and represent our own delivery from death to life. And that is why Easter must always be kept on a Sunday (Ep. 55.2, 16-23), and why fasting on a Sunday gives such justified offence (Ep. 36.27-9).” 

(Oliver O'Donovan, Desire of the Nations, p186)

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